Category / Communication

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  • Small business? Your checklist to get more clients

    Ready to amplify your small business and reach a wider audience? Explore these creative ideas to expand your reach and attract more customers! 1. Know Your Crowd Understanding your audience is the cornerstone of any successful marketing strategy. Conduct thorough research to identify who your potential customers are, what they need, and where they spend their…

  • Building an Effective Landing Page

    In today's digital age, communication is omnichannel, and all the touchpoints you create will usually lead to landing pages, the last step to converting the visitor into a customer. A well-crafted landing page can significantly impact the success of your marketing campaigns. By following a proven framework using a hook, meat, and a CTA, you…
  • Building Your Brand’s Identity: 5 Steps to a Cohesive and Memorable Visual Identity

    A strong visual identity goes beyond just a logo and includes elements such as typography, color palette, imagery, and other graphic elements. These elements when used consistently across all communication touchpoints such as website, packaging, advertising, etc. can help in creating a distinct look and feel for a brand. A strong visual identity can also…

  • Does your website need an update? A 3-step assessment

    In our digital age, a website is the main marketing asset of a company. It’s your business card, your brochure, your shop, all in one. But it is also available even when you’re not, and it is easily updatable. Regardless of your budget, customers or industry, you have to have a website. A whooping 97%…

  • google ad

    The communication plan pathway, or how to brief your designer

      Regardless of the size of your business or project, you should work on a communication plan. This ground work will allow you to have a good understanding of your positioning and what you can and need to do to reach your strategic goal. If you fail to do so, chances are you will waste…

  • Stats to make you care about visual communication

    93% of all human communication is visual. Visual communication is the science of transmitting a message through symbols and imagery. It relies on eyesight in part or wholly. It is the oldest and most effective way to share information. And the world is now even more visual than ever (look at the success of Instagram…

  • The triune brain applied to design

    American neuroscientist Paul MacLean formulated the Triune Brain theory back in the 60s. Triune means three-in-one. MacLean suggested that the brain was organized in three distinct regions. Since then, his theory has been rejected. Brain imagery has proven that brain activity happens in various regions of the brain at the same time. However, MacLean’s model…